RAMmobile 2.0

RAMmobile 2.0, the mobile app for the University, offers direct access to key campus information and news anywhere, anytime.

Get the App

The second generation of RAMmobile (RAMmobile 2.0) is in stores, which was built to adapt to the rapid change in the way students, faculty, staff, and guests are dealing with mobile apps.

The new framework will allow us to personalize the services offered by the app based on the user. For now, we are classifying the services based on two profiles, Guests, and University Members (Students, Faculty and Staff). The number of profiles offered will increase over time, examples will be like Student/ Alumni/ Applicant/ Faculty/ Staff.

You can install the new app from stores today by clicking on:

iOS (iPhone): https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1251366107

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ombiel.campusm.colorado